Friday, May 1, 2009

I broke a promise
I left you
on the ledge
you brought your trauma
I turned
and then I fled

and it may have
not been the bravest thing
and it may have
not been the strongest thing
but it seems to have been
the smarter thing
to do

I betrayed a trust
I left her
on the bed
you cried your honest
tears I lied
and then I sped away

and it may have
not been the bravest thing
and it may have
not been the strongest thing
you maybe
might think less of me
if you knew

I was dishonest
I told you
I wasn't on the edge
you let your guard down
I tore you down to shreds

and it may have
not been the nicest thing
and it may have been
quite a selfish thing
but I didn't say that
I would do anything

1 comment:

franelllla said...
